Huron Street Jr. Public Schools Kindergarten Registration for the 2025/2026 school year is officially open online. Once your child is registered with the school, give us a call, or send an email to enroll your child in our before and after school program.
March Break 2025 will be March 10-14. The Superfriends staff is working hard to create a fun filled week for the kids.
More information to come soon!
For information on Superfriends Summer Camp 2024, click the links below to download a calendar of events.
Huron Superfriends is a school age program based on the premise that children are most successful at learning when program experiences account for their interests, strengths, and needs. Our educators use observations of children throughout their day as a tool for constructing curriculum content and programming. Meaningful learning opportunities are then provided in support of key developmental skills relevant to their specific age group. As children learn and master these skills, they come to view themselves as competent learners.
Huron Superfriends is a childcare centre located in Huron Street Public School. Superfriends currently runs two programs, a Kindergarten and a School Age Program. It is licensed by the Ministry of Community and Social Services to provide care for 59 children from six to twelve years of age for the School Age Program, and 52 children from three and a half to five years of age for the Kindergarten Program. During the school year, only Huron Street Public School children are eligible for daycare enrollment. In the summer months enrollment is open.
We embrace a learning environment that will prepare children for the first day of school and beyond. Our classrooms are separated into various learning centers that promote skill development through various hands-on activities.
We treat each child as a unique individual. Our program emphasizes human relationships and individuality, which forms a basis for your child's creative, physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth.
The mission of the Huron Superfriends is to provide safe, affordable, high quality child care. In doing so, Huron Superfriends provides a cognitive based program for children kindergarten to grade 6. We provide a comfortable environment where children are encouraged to develop at their own pace. Your needs and your child's needs are our top priority. Our focus on literacy and communication skills. We work closely with parents and our community to work with network and services and provide high-quality childcare and education.